Happy Friday! 10/30/20

Happy Friday! It was a week around here. A Week! How was your’s? Ours involved paving, fall gardening, and a broken nose (Garrett had a run in with the hole saw). Ugh. But it’s Friday and we’re ready for some down time and Halloween is all sorts of exciting for the kids (they’ve been prepping for weeks - see below). Now we’re just looking for a fun trick-or-treating alternative at home…any ideas?


More from the week…

This row house in San Francisco is perfection in black and white (and gold). (rue)

Spend your money on these 3 things to increase your happiness, science says. (becomingminamalist)

IKEA built a tiny house in an effort to prove “that anyone, anywhere can live a more sustainable life”. How cool! (apartment therapy)

I spent hours colorizing old black-and-white photos of our house last weekend (to see what color it used to be painted) and shared the photos and more about the free website I used here. It would be so fun to try this on old family photos!

That age old question: how to stop hiccups (for real). (cupofjo)

The man who retired at 27. Why you should consider house-hacking. This is such a similar path in real estate to our own (although on a larger scale). And as a landlord and previous house-hacker I found the comment section extra thought-provoking. (mmm)

Wow! I didn’t even know a boat could be this amazing (and don’t get me started on their studio). Wow!(homeandgarden)

The sounds of quarantine. Love this. “I’ve always loved the sound of rain. It’s like getting an applause just by being present for it.” (nytimes)

I’m so excited to see Lauren’s dining room coming together! Her Seattle home has dark wood trim (like our Farmhouse!) and I’m finding it all sorts of inspiring! (@studiolaloc)

Our DIY cobblestone paver path came together really quickly and we shared the final photos, DIY tutorial, and what it cost yesterday.

I haven’t been reading much lately - distance learning and renovating have been keeping me too busy - but I’ve made time for a few nightly pages of this parenting book (No Drama Discipline: the whole brain way to calm the chaos and nurture your child’s developing mind) and it’s been helping me keep my sanity. Highly recommend! (amazon affiliate)

Have a good weekend!