Happy Friday 5/28/21

Happy Friday and happy (early) Memorial Day! We’re heading down to Oregon for the long weekend to swim and bbq and relax with my sis and her family and I can’t wait! Hope you have a good one.

farmhouse hutch and lilacs in a basket | www.thegritandpolish.com

jeans, pitcher (large), basket

Here are some links from the week…

The best state park in all 50 states. (travel+leisure)

Would you get a bidet? Garrett thinks we should get one but I’m not sure... The bidet’s revival. “Attempts to popularize the bidet in the United States have failed before, but recent efforts continue—and perhaps they might even succeed in bringing this Old World device to new backsides.” (the atlantic)

Obsessed with this kitchen. (@zioandsons)

What the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre destroyed. I’m embarrassed to say that I had never even heard of this tragic event in US history until last year while watching HBO’s Watchmen. Anyway, this is an amazing piece! (nytimes)

I’m eyeing this cute dress for summer. (everlane affiliate)

Anyone up for a move to South Carolina because this house is amazing?! (@cheapoldhouses)

PSA: Farmhouse Pottery’s second sale starts today! Their imperfect (but still lovely) pottery pieces are 30% off and they sell out quick so hurry on over there! (farmhousepottery)

This one’s from Garrett and a total ‘huh’ moment…why exactly do we wear shoes? Did evolution get the foot wrong or are shoes actually “foot coffins” that alter our natural gait and dexterity or maybe something in between? (freakonomics)

Millenials are entering a decade of despair. Here’s how they can prepare. “A generation starts turning 40 this year. Expect a major dip in well-being until the 2030s, scientists say.“ Personally I’m feeling pretty good about turning 40 next year, so this was surprising to hear but interesting. (mashable)

I just picked up The Last Thing He Told Me at my sister’s recommendation and I am enthralled! I’m usually not a mystery/suspense person, but maybe I am… (amazon affiliate, indiebound)

Have a good weekend!