Farmhouse Friday 5/4/18

Happy Friday! Can we talk about the joys of a clothes line for a minute? I know, it's such a simple thing but also kind of profound for me. Garrett put a clothes line up behind the Farmhouse last month and it's blowing my mind. Nothing, and I mean nothing, beats that line-dried-fresh scent in my book. For you too? Plus air drying uses the sun and wind to dry instead of consuming energy and racking up electricity bills so it's really a win-win-win. I'm all about small life victories and decreasing our footprint where we can.

Another fun happening from around the Farmhouse lately: egg hunts. It turns out that if you let your chickens free-range they will nest in places besides their nest boxes. So we've found caches of 12 plus eggs all over our property plus the odd one or two in the bottom of the stroller (yes, really!) or in the corner of the deck. It's kind of like a daily Easter egg hunt.  Now how do I get them to lay Cadburry Mini Eggs instead of regular eggs;)

This podcast had Garrett and I both nodding our heads and laughing our asses off. Real estate investing is not rocket science but it is best done creatively and with a sense of humor. Also: vacuum the's great advice that we've taken through our week!

The complicated world of a couple who both parent and own a business together. I can so relate!

I saw these pendant shades hanging in a Seattle restaurant last week and thought they'd be perfect for Daphne's little reading chair so I hunted them down online! Can you believe that price (they were at a fancy restaurant, so I was worried they'd be way more expensive)?! I'm making my way to a store today to pick one up!

Sometimes the picture perfect life is an unhappy place to live.

source // photo by Jamie Beck

I've really been enjoying following Jamie Beck's year in Provence on Instagram (the photo above is actually from Florida). She's an amazing photographer and shares a lot of the behind-the-scenes from her photo shoots and life in France. From a recent post on her blog about traveling back to the US: "The limitations I have in France actually make my life easier. It is supposed to be the opposite, having everything possible is supposed to make like better but it doesn’t for me. It’s just … too much. The paradox of choice. Too much noise in my head. Too much packaging screaming at me for attention."

Up your Cinco de Mayo game with these easy homemade tortillas. We make veggie tacos at least once a week and these tortilla have become a go-to. Once you taste homemade, you won't go back to store bought!

An oldie but timely post on how to shop Craigslist from the Makerista. Spring is the time for home refreshes, right?

Have a great weekend!



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