Daphne's 4th birthday present was a hit and I had to share...


Daphne is always stealing our phones and filling our camera rolls with shots of the dog, the floor, her favorite shade of pink, peanut butter and jelly crusts…anything and everything. Sometimes Daphne will even arrange people and animals for portraits. It’s adorable. So for her recent 4th birthday, we got her…

daphne's 4th birthday present was a slam-dunk!

Daphne’s dress, camera, camera case (shown below)

…a pink camera!

The camera actually comes in lots of colors, but pink is her favorite :) Instead of digital photos, this camera spits out real, actual paper photos! Just like polaroids of days past. And oh my gosh, what a hoot seeing the kids trying to find the digital screen ;)

daphne's 4th birthday present was a hit! | www.thegritandpolish.com

This was really just the perfect gift! I can’t get over how fun the ‘of the moment’ type photos are. There’s no editing or adjusting exposure - you get what you get - and that makes them extra special in today’s photoshop/filters world!

daphne's 4th birthday present was a hit! | www.thegritandpolish.com
daphne's 4th birthday present was a hit! | www.thegritandpolish.com

10 out of 10, would recommend (for kids and adults)! Just be sure to get lots of extra film!