A Six-Day Kitchen Renovation


JULIA AND GARRETT'S HOUSE We've been over in Seattle this week remodeling our friends' kitchen.  Julia and Garrett are some of our dearest friends, so when they decided to remodel their kitchen, we volunteered to help. And that would be totally selfless of us, except that these two have been helping on our properties for 8 years. About time we returned the favor, right?!

The craziest part about this project is the timeline. We are remodeling this kitchen in just six days. Yes, you read that right. Six days! I'm calling it the #6daykitchenreno and yes, we are totally crazy. In between kicking down walls and setting cabinets, I've been posting daily updates on Instagram, but I will share the entire project here after we catch our breaths.


Wish us luck...we are going to need it!

